Tales from the Sea Garden

Tales from The Sea Garden

Email me: theseagarden@btinternet.com

Thursday 17 February 2011

Work in progress....

I quite enjoy hibernating........

Jane made me this adorable 'primitive' doll for my birthday using scraps from an old quilt.

I've decided to call her 'Lotte', and thought that she would be most comfortable sitting in an old sewing thread box with a little Suffolk puff coverlet to keep her toes warm!

There's nothing I like better than waking in the morning knowing that I have not got to get up and rush out to work. I lie curled up snug and toasty warm under a mountainous feather duvet, and think...and plan....and doze again....until I find another hour has passed unnoticed. I am certainly not an early bird. I am a night owl, preferring to work late into the night when I am at my most creative and productive.

I have been immersed in my sewing studio these last few weeks making things for the Fair; here are some images of work in progress.

Jane and I got together today to photograph the image for our publicity cards for the Homespun Easter Fair, hope you like the result!

If you go to our Homespun Fair blog here I have put up a list of who's going to be there (the list is by no means complete, we still have room so if you are interested in exhibiting, please get in touch asap). We have some lovely newcomers as well as old favourites (not so much of the 'old' I here you cry!) coming along to sell their wares. It promises to be a delightful day out!
(P.S. it will help us immensely to publicise the event if you click and drag the picture onto your desktop and then insert it onto your  side bar if you have a blog. Thanks so much!)


  1. Love your little Lotte.
    Your offerings are sweet.
    How I wish I could attend but alas an entire ocean separates us... so for now I shall imagine it instead.

  2. a breath of fresh air...as always lynnie

  3. aww a lovely post, your little doll is sweet, i love your fabrics so very pretty, good luck with the fair, dee x

  4. Love what you are making with the melange of fabrics, lace and buttons etc.
    Wish I could come to the fair but its too far from here !!

    Diane. x

  5. lovely post and sweet, precious gift ;0)
    Hybernating is always a good thing to focus your creative mind ;0)x

    x kazzy x

  6. Oh your sewing Christine is sublime and the Prim doll...Jane is soooo talented.
    Really sorry I am not attending Homespun this year:-(
    I have popped your event poster on my blog. x

  7. Jane is clever, I thought that was her work..your makes look lovely - I wish Cornwall wasnt so far away...Helen

  8. Hello Lotte ~ lovely to meet you and happy birthday to you Christine! (are you aquarius or pisces? either way The Sea Garden is a very suitable place for you to be!)

    I will put your beautiful Homespun banner up on my blog and will put the date in my diary, I do hope to come!

    I am on my way West on Tuesday to Devon first to see Magpie and then on to my beloved Corwall on Thursday, I will try try try to get over to Porthscatho as I see you are open all week......

    Sarah x

  9. Your things are beautiful. The combination of fabrics is delicious! Hope its a huge success.

  10. Everything looks so pretty and I love the vintage fabric that you are using
    Hugs Lynn

  11. I have found your blog today and think it's ace!

    Your makes are wonderful, thanks for sharing.

    Bee happy x

  12. Hi, Christine!

    So glad I found your beautiful blog today...I love vintage, love the sea, love your area of England...

    What beautiful things you're creating for the fair--wish I could come! (but...California may be a bit too far!)

    I'll be following along. Hope your day is wonderful!


  13. Darling photos! Your works will be a great hit at the sale.

    Good luck!

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  14. I saw your blog on "Julie Whitmore Pottery" blog roll and I immediately liked your blog name! I love the ocean & the country, hence the name of my blog! LOL!! I've been trying to get back in to sewing and when I saw this post it had everything to convince me to crack out that sewing machine! Oh, my hubby's grandmothers's name was Lotte! How funny is that! I enjoyed my visit today, if you have time, please stop by for a visit, we love company and new Followers are always welcome. Have a wonderful weekend!


  15. I have just found your blog and I alreadey love it :-)

  16. Hi Christine!
    I know it's still a while off, but I wanted to wish you lots of success for the next Homespun Fair - I'm sure it will be fab! We're about to get very busy with family things, so I'll not be able to come along to this fair but (fingers crossed!) hope to come to the next one!
    Happy days to you,
    D x
